Hi, my name is Noah Husain
Full Stack Software Engineer

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I am a full stack software engineer with an interest in back end web development. I attended Nashville Software School from April 2021 to September 2021 where I received my certification for the Full Stack Software Developer Program. After graduating from Nashville Software School, I joined the FastTrack program to further develop my skills as a software engineer by learning Java and Spring.

My passion for technology really started as a kid. When I was 13 or 14, my cousin paid me to build computers for him which eventually allowed me to build my own PC which I still use (I have upgraded the parts since) to this day. I would say my interest in programming really started in college when I would watch my Computer Science major roommates debug their programs and see the elation in their faces when their code finally compiled. Seeing their joy really piqued my interest in the field and since I knew that software was a field that was going to be in demand for quite some time, I was really interested in how I could pivot to that field.

I am originally from Northern California where I was raised in a decently sized town called Roseville which is about 45 minutes away from Sacramenento. In 2020, my family decided to move from California to Tennessee to be closer to my niece and nephew and my parents' grandchildren. I'm currently located in Arrington, TN and cannot wait to join Nashville's growing tech field!

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Trucnheons & Flagons

Truncheons Flagons is a companion app for the medieval drinking game similar to beer pong. The app tracks tracks teams, users, and scores to make your games as streamlined as possible. I handled the scoring component of the application including monitoring scores in between rounds, displaying current score, and tallying of final scores.

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Designed to be the one stop shop for miners in the game "Star Citizen", Mines-R-Us shows all relevant info miners need to be as profitable as possible such as ore patch locations, ore prices, equipment costs, and a beginners guide for those getting into the game. All aspects of the application were built by me. This includes the JSON database, React modules, and CSS styling.

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Rare is a social media app designed to mimic the design and function of Medium. Users can create articles with the appropriate tags and category, leave comments on posts, and view other users profiles to access their posts directly. Created using Python/Django for the backend and Javascript/React for the the frontend, this app was designed and created in a two week sprint by yours truly, Devin Garcia, Andrew Webb, and Dakota Lambert.

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